Production Cloud

We are pleased to announce that Kidasa Vision Productions is now offering Remote Production Solutions. It combines physical devices in our control room that can all be controlled remotely, as well as broadcast-quality remote transport.

With this innovative solution, you’ll get excellent performance with a low and predictable latency, superior reliability, and broadcast-quality video.
Not necessary to sacrifice delay, resolution, or stutter in order to achieve excellent results. Kidasa’s solution utilizes equipment that technicians are comfortable and familiar with in the control room.

  • We offer our Remote Production Solution that allows you to easily integrate social media posts to the Kidasa XPression graphics system using Inception.
  • We provide a hybrid error recovery approach to ensure high-quality transport of MVs, which adjusts dynamically to network conditions.
  • With ClearCom, core production staff can operate from home, view multiviewers via the cloud, and communicate using physical or virtual ClearCom panels. There is no delay between talent and audience, so they can converse normally.
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